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Аватар пользователя Artem M.

There was a nightmare, the long one...it seemed to me that there was no end for it. But now i have a new life. I have no fear and i am totally happy. And for all this i am grateful to one man Alexander Segal. In our time its hard to save inside of you the qualities of an honest man. Alexandr is such man, his pesonality combines great professionalism and all the qualities to be a good person. I sincerely glad to know him and respect him very much!! He is the one who can give you a second chance even if you think its all vain!
Аватар пользователя WY

I am writing this letter to say thank you to Mr. Segal, along with his excellent team of colleagues: Wendy, Melisa and [the boy's name i can never spell]. I was granted asylum at the USCIS asylum office in New York last Friday (in September of 2010). The legal service offered by Mr. Segal contributed to the most part of my success. I came from China, with painful stories about my family and myself. I landed on the United States as a student in August of 2009. I first met Mr. Segal in March of 2010 and finally determined to tell him what happened on me. Since I determined to take his service, we met about two times a week for the first three months and once every two days for the last week before the interview. Mr. Segal gave me confidence on winning the case and helped me along the way. As a very experienced immigration attorney, Mr. Segal not only know by heart about all the forms and the whole process, but also is capable of putting in order my past events, making me focus on the right points, advising me on what to collect as supporting evidence and preparing me for the interview. Mr. Segal and his colleagues finally reached a 5 page long statement and compiling a 400+ page long supporting materials. In August of 2010, Mr. Segal showed up 45 minutes before the scheduled intervew in USCIS asylum offi ce. I confidently finished my interview with an attorney's closing statement. The good news came from Segal's office first, then by mail in the following hour. It was an unforgetful moment. I will strongly recommend Mr. Segal and his team to help with any immigration procedures especially with asylum. They are really, really helpful. WY
Аватар пользователя Irina

Dear Sasha! I would like to sincerely thank you and all your staff(especiall y Vania) for your enormous assistance with my immigration case. I have been through extremely stressful experience while trying to legalize in the US only my closest people and you are aware of. Your outstanding professionalism and dedication to your job can't be overestimated. I will recommend you as a great attorney to everybody who seeks immigration assistance. Thank you very much for everything you have done and keep doing for me and my family. I deeply respect you as a professional and as a person.I wish you many years of prosperity and well-desreved success!
Аватар пользователя Nadezhda Varlushina

I am very grateful to Eliza Grinberg, Esq. for her help. I was granted asylum after my interview. Also I am grateful to the staff of Grinberg & Segal for their attentiveness and hard work. There still are good people in this world!!
Аватар пользователя Tatiana Popova

Eliza thank you very much for everything that you`ve done for me. You exceeded my expectations far beyond. It was great to work with you and if any of my friends or aquaitances will ever need help or legal advisa i`d be more than happy to recommend you. Thanks for everything, sincerely yours Tatiana
Аватар пользователя Nora

I recommend Eliza Greenberg to everyone who is seeking for RELIABLE, HARD WORKING and HONEST (which I especially appreciate) lawyer. I've never regreted that I chose her. My case (political asylum) was complex, and I got POSITIVE after interview. I'm so happy. I trusted her, and made a right choice. She is real professional. I'm very thankful to her, thank you very much, and God Bless You!!!
Аватар пользователя Sasha

Я, Александр Тур, приехал из Беларуси и подал прошение на политическое убежище. У меня была сложная ситуация с иммиграционными документами. К А. Сигалу обратился, когда мое дело было передано в иммиграционный суд. С первой встречи показался очень "толковым". Очень понравилось то, что отнесся к моему делу как к "своему собственному". Встреч было не много, но все по делу. Такое ощущение, что "руку держал на пульсе" и сколько еще нужно времени, чтобы быть готовым. Также большое "СПАСИБО" хотел бы сказать Ивану - помощнику А. Сигала, - человеку который "протаптывал" дорожку на моем пути к легализации. Совершенно не было ощущения "взяли деньги, обо мне забыли"! Если у кого-то есть вопросы, то постараюсь ответить. МОй e-mail: sashaturgmail.com или тел. (347) 792-3228 Саша.
Аватар пользователя Sergei Y.

I would like to thank the Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal and personally Eliza Grinberg, Esq for all the support and dedication they've given while working on my case. I spent over 7 years trying to adjust my status and no immigration attorney I dealt with could even be compared to Mrs. Grinberg. She is competent and FAIR. A +
Аватар пользователя Thompson, Ted C.

My brother-in-law was facing deportation. Our previous attorney almost destroyed any chance of getting my brother-in-law's removal proceedings (deportation) canceled. Alexander Segal took our case one day before a Master hearing was scheduled. Once we met with Alex and discussed the case, he set a fee and it did not change it. After being robbed by other attorneys for 3 years, in 6 months Alex had my brother-in-law's removal proceedings canceled. Alex explained the case to us, what he expected from us, and what we needed to do. He is honest and sincere. He knows the immigration law well and will use whatever available relief he can find to help you. I would highly recommend this law firm. I have dealt with other lawyers in the past and was disappointed. But Alexander Segal is an honest, hardworking attorney who cares about his clients.
Аватар пользователя Martin Rosenthal

I engaged Alexander J. Segal some years ago to handle a number of immigration-related problems members of my family had at that time. I found his attention to my family needs timely and exemplary. Should another need occur in this field, I would not hesitate to hire him once again, nor will I hesitate to recommend him to others.
