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Аватар пользователя Anton K

Dear, Eliza, i am very appreciate your irreplaceable help concerning my case! All the advices, that u gave me, were 100% accurate. During working with you, i felt your huge experience and professionalism ! You are attorney at law, who is really taking care of the clients. Keep going !!!
Аватар пользователя Darya

Хочу поблагодарить Элизу Гринберг за помощь в получении моего статуса. Спасибо большое за все усилия, которые Вы приложили, чтобы подготовить меня, ответить на множество моих вопросов. огромное спасибо!!!!!
Аватар пользователя Stanislau Zmachynski

I would like publicly express my deep appreciation to my attorney Alexander Segal, as well as the wonderful staff of the Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, who assisted him in working on my case. As for Mr. Segal, his considerable knowledge of immigration law and remarkable expertise in immigration field allows you to count on him in any immigration matter. Besides this, Alexander’s attention to your case and his guidance at every step of the process, as well as long after all the matters are successfully settled, make him one of the best immigration attorney (and certainly the best Russian-speaking one) available in New York Metropolitan Area. Returning to my case, I can only express my thanks to Alexander Segal for the incredible work he has done. With the short deadline at hand, Mr. Segal has managed to transfer my case from the Miami immigration court. Further, Mr. Segal spent more time fixing the errors, made by the above-mentioned charlatans, that any other attorney would ever give to your case in sum! But even this is not a point. When you are in court and under stress having a person like Alexander next to you is a big advantage. In my life, Alexander Segal has made a difference and I highly recommend him to everyone who needs assistance of a competent immigration attorney. I can personally confirm every word I wrote here. My phone number can be obtained at the Law Office, upon request for references.
Аватар пользователя Evgeniya Filchuk

Dear Alex, Had I hired you as my lawyer, you could not have done a better job. It's been a year since I received my asylum status in the United States. And I got my legal status just after a few months being in the country. So should I even mention that it was a brilliant attorney's work and I refer all people I know with same kinds of immigration issues to you? I can never thank you enough for your fine work that was done professionally and in an outrageously quick timely manner! And many thanks to office staff who is always ready to provide a quality help. My only advice for prospective clients will be not to procrastinate and anyways come back to Alex's office after all with a much more complicated case.
Аватар пользователя Andrianova Olga

В июне 2009 года я получила политическое убежище в США. Моим адвокатом была Лиза Гринберг. Я очень благодарна ей за профессиональны й подход к работе. Я была поготовлена и уверена в себе на суде, и это только её заслуга, потому что она потратила уйму времени и сил, чтобы ответить на мои вопросы и снабдить меня всей необходимой информацией, а также дать дельные советы. Я доверила Лизе вести моё дело и не пожалела об этом. Ещё раз хотелось бы поблагодарить её за это и пожелать всяческих успехов.
Аватар пользователя Clifford Panulaya

Hi! Everyone this one of a Good and highly recommended immigration lawyer That you can trust your life to. They are very hard working lawyers. They fight for you and for your life, not only be interested in your money. Thanks. If anyone has questions you can call me. My name is Clifford. 917-721-4031
Аватар пользователя ALINA

Аватар пользователя guest

Eliza Grinberg. I would like to thank you for helping me out obtaining my asylum status. and yes it, it happened on the interview, she's got it right the first time. Thank you very much for all the support that you gave me, for all you professional help. You are the best, you made my dream come true. You are the true professional. If somebody's gonna need an immigration attorney - I'm gonna recommend you right away. keep up the great job. Thank you very, very much Eliza.
Аватар пользователя Timur

My family and I are very thankful to Alexander J. Segal for his professional help. My mother was under deportation and supervision before Alexander J. Segal. As soon as I signed a contract with Alexander, my mother was released and granted green card. It took sometime, but the end result was undeniably a miracle. I am sure that without Alaxender's competency in immigration law my mother would be deported. Fortunately, I had a deal with a great immigration lawyer. I'll be thankful to Alexander J. Segal and his team for the rest of my life.
Аватар пользователя Guest

I want to thank Alexander J Segal for his work, dedication, and support in helping and protecting people with their legal rights. I am very fortunate to know Alexander and sincerely thankful for his proficient, skillful, and outstanding job that helped me as an immigrant to legalize in this country.
