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Аватар пользователя Ana Damian

Mr Segal was straight forward to me duri g our consultation, he told me his opiniin about my case and explained me the next steps regarding a waiver of Inadmissibility for a small problem. I will comme back to him to help me with my waiver in the future. (originally posted in G+ on this day)
Аватар пользователя Anastasia

Political asylum case! Excellent work! Alexander Segal, a great immigration lawyer! He finished and brought my case to an end, after the previous lawyer who could not be in court with me! He won my case fantastically today in court !!! He was constantly in touch with me and answered all my questions, told me in detail how the trial was going on and how to prepare for it as much as possible. Solves any questions very quickly! I strongly recommend contacting him, with him you will be sure of victory! I am sure that if you have a difficult situation, as I had, Alexander will help! Thank you with all respect, Anastasia Bezabrazova (originally posted in Avvo on this day)
Аватар пользователя El Sueno

Real professionals! My legal process went seamlessly and quickly. Thanks a lot! That’s what I call a professional attitude! (originally posted in G+ on this day)
Аватар пользователя Roman Frenkel

I was not represented by Ms. Grinberg, but I was a witness for a friend who hired her. She was very precise in her guidance for myself and my friend. Her professionalism was evident from her years of experience in the immigration law arena. I would highly recommend her to others that have immigration issues in the US. (originally posted in G+ on this day)
Аватар пользователя Constantine Mlennic

Very professional and easy-going. (originally posted in G+ on this day)
Аватар пользователя Ziv

The best. Alexander Segal the best immigration lawyer in the NYC area without a doubt. His law office handled my case flawlessly and very efficiently. I'm so lucky to have found him. He and his staff make sure you understand the naturalization process and prepare you for any interview. None of my questions was left unanswered. They deliver what they promise, if you do your part. Highly recommended for any immigration process or issue you might have. (originally posted in Avvo on this day)
Аватар пользователя Vladislav

Political asylum case. Good afternoon. Sorry for my English. Alexandr was recommended to me by a very good friend, he said that he is a professional and you can relax, he knows how and what to do. The person perfectly understands the situation of refugees in another country, including financial, so the conditions of work with him were as comfortable as possible. All documents were submitted on time, Alexander helped with the correct writing of the story and its translation into English. He devoted a lot of time to collecting additional evidence on the case and additional materials. For a week they began to prepare for the court session, and on the last day before the court he stayed right up to 12 at night! It was obvious that the man treated my case as if it were his own. It obliged us a lot and we could not lose. As practice has shown, on October 6 I received approval in court the first time. The process was quite long, more than 3 hours. But he and I handled the pressure perfectly! Great professional and great person! Highly recommend to everyone (originally posted in Avvo on this day)
Аватар пользователя Siarhei

Thank you for your help !!!!!!! First I want to say thank you to the whole team, and also I appreciate all that my attorney Alexander J. Segal have done for me. From my experience I can share, that having a successful result, like I had, you have to work hard and listen to what you attorney said. I did all job from my side and the team was able to wisely use it to win my case. Alexander J. Segal was with me from the very beginning to the very end and always supported me. He definitely knows what he is doing, because he value his reputation. Thank you again for all you’ve done for me! (originally posted in Avvo on this day)
Аватар пользователя Sergey Kryakushin

Eliza has been an amazing lawyer since day one. Her years of expertise and wisdom has made the process very easy. While working with her, she was polite, patient, gave clear direction, and is very professional. Eliza, I cannot thank you enough for all you've done for us! Highly recommended! (originally posted in G+ on this day)
Аватар пользователя Lina

I want to express my deep gratitude to Alexander, for the help rendered to me in a positive decision of my case. Alexander is an excellent specialist and a professional in his field. Thank you. (Original) Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Александру, за помощь оказаннаю мне в положительном решении моего дела. Александр прекрасный специалист и профессионал в своем деле. Спасибо. (originally posted in G+ on this day)
