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Аватар пользователя ROMAN KRAVCHINA

Best Lawyer for Immigration Cases. He won my case when all the lawyers refused to take my case. He is very attentive to all the small details of your case. He prepared everything so that it gave a winning result. Alexander protects you like no one else. The best lawyer (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя Lei Huang

Very helpful (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя Irina Sheina

Great attorney, she helped me a lot. Thank You (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя Айшат Минакова

If you are looking for a good lawyer, then you certainly need Eliza Grinberg. She is a professional in her field, very responsible, will find an approach to you and your case. In any situation, you can count on her help. Eliza is not only a professional with a capital letter, but also a wonderful and helpful person. Thank you very much for helping with our case. Если вы ищите хорошего адвоката, то вам непременно нужна Элиза Гринберг.Она профессионал своего дела, очень ответственная, найдёт подход к вам и вашему делу. В любой ситуации вы сможете расчитывать на ее помощь. Элиза не только профессионал с большой буквы, но и замечательный и отзывчивый человек. Спасибо вам огромное что помогли с нашим делом (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя Anonymous

Alexander Segal is one of the best immigration lawyers in NY area. He is knowledgable, honest, dedicated, and on point. Upon meeting him, don't mistake his demeanor as put offish or aloof. He is one serious lawyer who doesn't want to sugarcoat the situation. His dedicated staff, Wendy Barlow and Ricardo, are available and professional at all times as well. I'd like to thank Mr. Segal for his outstanding work, tenacity, patience, and due diligence when it came to dealing with our J-1 waiver. I had lost hope after being rejected the first time, but my husband and I hired Mr. Segal after contacting him on Avvo.com. After three and a half long years, we finally won the case, and it was a complicated case. The waiver was granted to me. This would NEVER be possible without Mr. Segal and his team. THANK YOU SO MUCH! (originally posted in AVVO on this day).
Аватар пользователя Brema Kaur

Mr. Segal was one of five attorneys I consulted with to help me with my naturalization case. Ultimately, I hired Mr. Segal to handle my case as it is clear within a short period of conversation with him that he knows a tremendous amount about immigration law and remains studious to staying abreast with the latest laws and statutes. Moreover, even though my naturalization case was anything but straightforward, Mr. Segal gave me the confidence he could help me achieve my dream of finally being naturalized (for frame of reference, one of the five attorneys I consulted with told me not to apply for naturalization due to the risk of deportation). Mr. Segal and his team helped me fill out the application and thoroughly prepped me for the naturalization interview. Due to the complexity of my case, Mr. Segal also accompanied me to my naturalization interview. To make a long story a little shorter, my application for naturalization was approved and I will be going to the Oath Ceremony this coming week. Without Mr. Segal's guidance, my application very well could have had a different outcome. I'm very glad I hired him and he is a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you, Mr. Segal (and team), for everything (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя Thomas Guilhot

Very responsive and knowledgable! (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя John Andrew Richardson

Good place to be (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя Mariya M

Very professional and respectful lawyers. Were able to prevent deportation and other immigration problems for my husband (originally posted in G+ on this day).
Аватар пользователя Shakhriyor Abduazimov

Great service and guidance. Very knowledgeable of their profession (originally posted in G+ on this day).
