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Аватар пользователя Maksim N.

I am very grateful to Alexander Segal for all he has done for me. I had a very difficult case for political asylum, and him and his crew have done a tremendous job to succeed. The first lawyer who I hired did not prepare me for the court and I could not get a hold of him. He charged me the money he never worked for. He even put the wrong information in my case, which I had to pay for later at the court. That was the reason my application was denied at the court. I hired Mr. Segal who corrected all the mistakes my first lawyer had made and did all he could to prepared me for the court. The brief he wrote was so well made that the judge granted me the asylum without the second court. I can not thank Alex Segal and his crew enough for all they have done for me. It was very easy to work with these people, whenever I had a question I would call the office and they wold help me with useful information, especially Melissa, who is very knowledgeable. Thank you very much! Best Regards, Maksim and Elvira
Аватар пользователя Maryna Vinereanu

То, что делает Александр Сигал - необъяснимо, невероятно. Мой кейс практически не имел хороших шансов на успех, т.к. был завален предыдущим ( очень, кстати, популярным в русскоязычной среде) адвокатом ............ - из NJ - халатность её работников вылилась для меня в бумаги на депортацию... Я сменила адвоката. Теперь я знаю- это никогда НЕ ПОЗДНО. Ювелирная работа Александра, высокий профессионализм его команды - и как результат : сейчас я гражданка США. Но это далеко не всё. Сегодня моя дочь, прибывшая по визе J-1( с условием обязательной "отсидки" 2 лет на родине) получила... Waiver ! Тот, кто понимает ЧТО это, знает- это практически невозможно. Да. Для других. Александр это СДЕЛАЛ. Моя дочь теперь может строить свою жизнь спокойно, достойно, независимо. Сказать, что я счастлива- это не сказать ничего. Жизнь и счастье детей для матери- больше, чем её жизнь. Я ОЧЕНЬ БЛАГОДАРНА судьбе, что она свела меня с Александром Сигалом. Это профессионал высочайшего класса. Даже не так - это просто ВОЛШЕБНИК. А как ещё назвать человека, делающего невозможное? Огромное спасибо Александру Сигалу, Мелиссе и всей команде за высочайший профессионализм! За "обыкновенные" чудеса. Мои искренние рекомендации . Если здесь совершили невозможное для меня и моей дочери - значит, это сделают и для вас! Удачи всем!
Аватар пользователя Victoria

I've been referred to Eliza Grinberg by one of my lesbian friends and will never regret the choice I made, not only because she (we) won the case, but also because it has been a great pleasure to come in to this lawyers' office and see an excellent team work. All paper work is always done impeccably and on time. The staff is professional and super friendly. Everybody knows what she/he is doing. My interaction with Eliza during our meetings was always straight to the point and my case (a Russian lesbian seeking asylum in USA) was treated in a very individual way. No cliches were applied. Eliza is working with your personal biography, deeply entering in details of your life, which are relevant to the case, and helping you with every step in building your story. I was impressed by how precise her comments and remarks were and after each consultation, I saw my situation differently and finally got to a full understanding of how I must present my self in front of the immigration officer. Eliza and other lawyers also train your psychologically for the procedure of the interview and when you are there, you are well prepared and not distracted by anything. I've found Eliza Grinberg very human as well. The combination of professionalism, experience and caring about every single client makes this lawyer very successful in the field, winning the majority of the cases. And I, personally, feel extremely grateful and delighted by this collaboration. I have recommended her to my gay friends from Russia and other former USSR republics and I will continue to do so. THANKS!:)
Аватар пользователя Olga Z.

Огромное спасибо Eliza Grinberg and Alexander J. Segal за помощь оказанную в моем иммиграционном деле по полит. Убежищу! Так получилось, что мой первый адвокат (имя его я не буду упоминать), взяв с меня $4500 не оказал мне никакой помощи: не выслушал меня, не подготовил документы надлежащим образом, самое главное, абсолютно не объяснил какие вопросы задает офицер и что от меня требуется, не появился на интервью с офицером, послал абсолютно незнакомых людей на мое второе интервью с офицером (другого адвоката и очень плохого переводчика), а потом и вовсе отказался от моего дела. Даже звучит неправдоподобно, но со мной действительно так поступил мой первый адвокат. К счастью, мне помогли Александр и Лиза, за что огромное им спасибо. Через 6 месяцев после того как они помогли мне подготовить все необходимые документы, я получила разрешение на работу (а с первым адвокатом я ждала этого 2 полных года и так и не получила!). Мое дело было очень сложным и длилось очень долго (6 лет, из которых четыре года мне помогали Лиза и Александр). Лиза оказала мне огромную поддержку и внимание. Мне уделили уйму времени на подготовку и я благодарна за то, что Лиза приехала в Missouri защищать мой case. Я несомненно советую Eliza Grinberg and Alexander J. Segal, они настоящие профессионалы. Если их услуги вам покажутся дорогими, то я уверяю, они этого стоят. Еще раз огромное спасибо!
Аватар пользователя N. Clifford

I have known Wendy Barlow for many years. The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC and she have represented my family before the Bureau of U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services on several occasions. Most immigrants know it’s a challenge to prepare and fight before the USCIS. I find Ms. Barlow’s work ethic exceptionally impressive and her role in my immigration proceedings has been crucial. She is bright and hard working. As a foreigner who doesn’t understand how the US immigration laws work, I greatly benefitted from Ms. Barlow’s help. She is always ready to explain every single procedure and law in detail so one won’t be misled and confused. I have worked with many attorneys before, but Ms. Barlow is the only attorney who is available for her clients all the time. My every email and call was returned by her immediately. I live in Massachusetts and The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC is a New York state based firm; however, it didn’t stop Ms. Barlow from spending a few extra hours in Boston in order to gather more information for me. She knows her job, she does it intelligently, and most important, she doesn’t waste time. I highly recommend Ms. Barlow’s services to those who need high quality representation.
Аватар пользователя Pavel & Zoya

My family and i would like to thank The law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC, especially Alexander J. Segal who was more than professional and helpful. Thank to Mr. Segal and his dedicated staff, we were granted political asylum status in the United States. They all put a lot of effort into leading us through this important moment in our life. All we could say about the job they have done for us is that it was done on very professional level. Serious preparation from the very beginning. We got detailed explanation about how the process would go and what exactly we needed to pay attention to, in order to achieve the desirable outcome. In conclusion, we would like to say that it was a great pleasure working with the Firm of Alexander J. Segal. We are very grateful and would definitely recommend Mr. Segal as a very professional, serious, solid and hardworking attorney. Thank you all guys so much from the bottom of our hearts.
Аватар пользователя Timur A.

If you are trying to decide whether to hire Alexander J. Segal and his team to represent you or not, my advice would be to do so. Let me tell you, how I got to know about these guys and how they helped me with the hard immigration case i had. Well, i did have a really screwed up case and my old attorney stopped returning my calls and e-mails after taking about 3000$ from me. He did do some work, but it wasn`t helpful at all really. He showed up for two master hearings, prepared my "testimony" which had lots of mistakes, wasn`t full, had wrong information in it. So, I was in a tough situation. I had a lawyer and at the same time didn`t have one. My paperwork wasn`t ready for the individual hearing, no real work on the case was done, and almost no time left till the final hearing(two months or so). So after millions of phone calls and email, i gave up on my previous attorney, and started to look for someone else to represent me. But to be honest its not an easy job to find a good attorney. Everyone who looked at the case made by my lawyer wasn`t impressed at all. Some of them didn`t even believe what was in my testimony and thought i was making things up to stay in US. So, i wasn`t going anywhere with my case and was getting pretty worried of what to expect from the upcoming hearing. But one day, my really good friend, called me and said that she wanted me to meet someone. She said it was her friends relative and her name was Wendy, and she was an attorney from New York, and that she came down to our area for vacation. So, i go to my friends house and meet Wendy. And she wasn`t like all the other attorney i`ve met before, who is usually pretty dry and skeptic, tricky, almost rude. But not this time. Wendy(who is an attorney and Mr. Segal's associate) is truly a nice and caring person, at the same time a great professional. Very helpful and responsive. So, long story short- i hire attorney Segal (very good guy and very smart), and his team. We start preparing all the documents and stuff . Make the entire case from the scratch. Mr. Segal spent hours talking to me on skype (cause i leave far from NY and couldn`t come to their office in New York). And soon i`m getting my white card all thanks to these guys! So, if you looking for immigration lawyer and want a professionals, who know what they doing and also would really care for you, you are in the right place.
Аватар пользователя Yulia D.

Уважаемые Александр Сигал и The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC . Хочу выразить Вам мою безграничную признательность и благодарность за ваш неоценимый труд и оказанную помощь. Мне была оказана высококвалифицированная юридическая помощь и моральная поддержка. Работа с вашими сотрудниками и с Вами принесла мне колоссальное наслаждение и как следствие победу, в моем достаточно не простом деле. И как не удивительно, но радовались и поздравляли меня и моего мужа всем офисом ! Ни на секунду я не сомневалась в том, что я сделала правильный выбор, обратившись за помощью именно к Вам. Мне всегда приятно приходить к Вам и получать грамотные ответы на интересующие меня вопросы. А дружеская атмосфера царящая в стенах вашего офиса, всегда радует и придает силы и уверенность. Огромное Вам человеческое спасибо. Желаю вам дальнейшего процветания и развития. Вы даете людям шанс, уверенность в себе и безграничное счастье. С уважением и благодарностью Юлия Д.
Аватар пользователя Siarhei S

I would like to express my great gratitude to my attorneys Alexander J. Segal and Eliza Grinberg as well as as their hardworking associates, especially Melissa. What can I say? Their work is very professional. Their approach is very healthy and efficient. They provide truly quality service. I found the Firm though my friend's recommendation and I am glad I did. I know several people who were in a situation similar to mine and needed assistance of a good immigration attorney. All together about 5 individuals. All of them were clients of this Firm at some point of time. All of them had only good things to say about Alexander and Eliza. All of them ended up with great results as far as their respective matters were concerned. Thank you very much Alexander and Eliza for your hard work and especially for the patience in having answered all of my many questions and concerns.
Аватар пользователя varvara

Eliza Grinberg is the lawyer I would recommend to anyone. She is just superb! Not only was she very knowledgeable and helpful, but she also is a great human being, who was treating me like a human being too, which made me feel secure and protected since the very first day. She never ignored any of my questions, she was always answering all of my e-mails on the same or maximum next day, she was ready to listen to all of my concerns. Also there were no hidden fees, no tricky "extra $100" or anything like that. On the contrary she was very honest and open about all the financial questions. Eliza always does what she says and never says what she cannot guarantee. I really respect her for that. Her words really worth something. She did not guarantee me winning my case, but she promised to do whatever was possible. And she really did it. We won the case on the first interview. And I'm very grateful to her for giving me a chance to have all those opportunities this wonderful country has to offer! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
